Breast Pump Use Tips

How can I increase the fat content of my breast milk?

If you're a breastfeeding mother, you might wonder if your breast milk supply has all the nutrients your baby needs. Fatty breast milk has traditionally been what mothers worry about...

On by Bella Bairn 0 Comments

How soon after sex can you take a pregnancy test?

You may be pregnant if you recently engaged in unprotected intercourse and missed your period. Pregnancy tests are the most accurate beginning the first day after your missed period. When...

On by Bella Bairn 0 Comments

Can newborns drink cold breast milk?

If you have been following our articles, you will notice that we try to answer as many questions as possible that you may have as a potential mummy or a...

On by Bella Bairn 0 Comments

Why does one breast produce less milk when pumping?

Different breasts have different sensitivity to lactogen Lactation hormone is a hormone that promotes the secretion of more milk. The difference in milk production between the left and right side...

On by Bella Bairn 0 Comments